MATLAB: How to write datetime(char array 1058*19), latitude(1*1058 double) and longitude (1*1058 double) in txt file using fprintf ??


I have written the following code but I didn't get datetime in text file.
datetime = {'2018-05-16 07:57:12','2018-05-16 07:57:13'……} (char array 1058*19),
latitude = [23.0347 23.0351 23.0353…..] (1*1058 double),
longitude = [72.5399 72.5398 7253.93 ….] (1*1058 double)
for y = 1:1:1058
AB(y,1) = datetime(y);
AB(y,2) = Lat(y);
AB(y,3) = Lon(y);
v = fopen('filename.txt','w');
%fprintf(v,'%s, %f, %f ',AB);
formatSpec = '%20s \t %2.2f \t %2.2f\n';
[nrows,ncols] = size(AB);
for row = 1:nrows

Best Answer

Assuming that the date-time char vectors are in a cell array:
>> fmt = '%20s \t %2.2f \t %2.2f\n';
>> DT = {'2018-05-16 07:57:12','2018-05-16 07:57:13','2018-05-16 07:57:14'};
>> LA = [23.0347 23.0351 23.0353];
>> LO = [72.5399 72.5398 7253.93];
>> C = DT;
>> C(2,:) = num2cell(LA);
>> C(3,:) = num2cell(LO);
>> fprintf(fmt,C{:})
2018-05-16 07:57:12 23.03 72.54
2018-05-16 07:57:13 23.04 72.54
2018-05-16 07:57:14 23.04 7253.93
Note that a loop is not required. If you really do have a char array with size 1058x19 then use this:
C = cellstr(DT).';