MATLAB: How to write code to try every combination of N-dim vector

n vector combinations

Hello, I want to write a code to try every combination of a N-dimentional vector(with entry 0 or 1 or 2). For example, if N=3, all combinations are (0,0,0)(0,0,1)…(2,2,2) and there are 3^N=27.
One brutal way is for commands: for i=0:2->for j=… but I have to write N these for commands, which is not wise. I wonder it there a fast and smart way to try all combinations?
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

[xx yy zz] = ndgrid(0:2);
[xx(:) yy(:) zz(:)]
Generalized (fixed)
n = 4
[C{1:n}] = ndgrid(0:2);
for ii = n:-1:1
M(:,ii) = C{ii}(:);