MATLAB: How to write a script that outerjoins multiple data files


I have files "File1.csv", "File2.csv",…. and "File33.csv". Each of 33 files has a key variable 'date'. I would need to outerjoin these 33 files using 'date' as the key variable. I understand it is a generalization of
B=outerjoin(File1,File2,'Keys', 'date', 'MergeKeys', true)
But I need to understand
(1) how to write a loop to read 33 files from C:\Dropbox (say)
(2) how to write a loop to outerjoin 33 files
(3) how to write a script to save the output file into C:\Dropbox
I will appreciate a code sample.
Thank you.

Best Answer

Something like (untested, expect typos):
folder = 'C:\dropbox';
filelist = dir(fullfile(folder, 'File*.csv'));
for fileidx = 1:numel(filelist)
filecontent = readtable(fullfile(folder, filelist(fileidx).Name));
if fileidx == 1
joined = filecontent;
joined = outerjoin(joined, filecontent, 'Keys', 'Date', 'MergeKeys', true)
writetable(joined, fullfile(folder, 'joined.csv'));