MATLAB: How to write a result that is calculted by current code as a comment to the same script

add commentadd result of code as a commentcomment

I have a code that generates a result like "a is an odd number" after executing the program. I want to show the last result inside the current code as a comment before run the program again. For example, I have runned the program today and it generated "a is a odd number". I want to see the last result when I want to run the code again tomorrow. How can I do this?

Best Answer

I am not sure why would you want to do that. Anyway, this will show how to add a string as a comment to the end of current script file
result = sprintf('a is an odd number'); % generate a string through your code
filename = mfilename;
f = fopen([filename '.m'], 'a');
fprintf(f, '\n%s', ['% ' result]);