MATLAB: How to Write a Multi-Line Character Array to Excel


How to write a multi-line character array (user comments) into an Excel file using 'xlswrite'?

Best Answer

Below is an example to write multi-line comments to an excel spreadsheet: 
prompt = {'Pipe Dream','Supplier','Comments'};
dlg_title = 'User Comments';
num_lines = [1 20;1 35;5 50];
user_comments = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines);
filename = 'testfile.xlsx';
sheet = 1;
xlswrite(filename,user_comments(1),sheet,'D40'); % save as cells
% Add new line characters to the string ends
user_comments(3) = cellfun(@(x) {strcat(x,{newline})},user_comments(3));
% Concatenate the inner cells and remove the trailing newlines
user_comments(3) = cellfun(@(x) {deblank([x{:}])},user_comments(3));
% write the data to cells