MATLAB: How to write a loop, which can make the parameter “V” change with a cyclic variable “i”


My code is:
netlist = ['D:\1\MATLAB\mine.txt'];
code =['D:\\1\\MATLAB\\mine.asc\r\n'...
'R1 N001 0 {R}\r\n'...
'C1 N001 0 {C}\r\n'...
'V1 N001 0 {V}\r\n'...
'.tran .1\r\n'...
'.params R = 1000 C = 0.001 V = 15\r\n'...
fid = fopen(netlist,'w+');
fid = fclose(fid);
I have to make the parameter "V" change with a cyclic variable "i". Is there any way to do that?

Best Answer

Use Matlab functions "strcat" and "num2str" within a loop.