MATLAB: How to write a Loop to run a specific code to every table in a cell

cellfor looptable

I have many excel files (540 files) which I used this code to import them to Matlab:
D = 'C:\Users\Behzad\Desktop\New folder (2)';
filePattern = fullfile(D, '*.xlsx');
file = dir(filePattern);
for k = 1 : numel(file)
baseFileName = file(k).name;
fullFileName = fullfile(D, baseFileName)
x{k} = readtable(fullFileName);
fprintf('read file %s\n', fullFileName);
After doing that x is a 1*540 cell which contains 540 tables. I want to apply this code below for all these tables:
T = readtable(filename);
sort = sortrows(T, 8);
selected_table = sort (:, 8:9);
dt1 = datetime([1982 01 01]);
dt2 = datetime([2018 12 31]);
allDates = (dt1 : calmonths(1) : dt2).';
allDates.Format = 'MM/dd/yyyy';
tempTable = table(allDates(~ismember(allDates,, NaN(sum(~ismember(allDates,,size(selected_table,2)-1),'VariableNames',selected_table.Properties.VariableNames);
T2 = outerjoin(sort,tempTable,'MergeKeys', 1);
T2 = fillmissing(T2, 'next', 'DataVariables', {'lat', 'lon', 'station_elevation'})
I don't know how to do that. I guess I should use the loop again but haven't any idea how to do it.
Best Regards

Best Answer

I can't run your code but here are some feedback at first glance.
First, always use correct indentation so that it's much easier to read the code. "Smart indentation" can be done by selecting all of the code and pressing ctrl+i.
See my 3 notes within your code.
% allDates should be out of the loop because it's not necessary to be in the loop
dt1 = datetime([1982 01 01]);
dt2 = datetime([2018 12 31]);
allDates = (dt1 : calmonths(1) : dt2).';
allDates.Format = 'MM/dd/yyyy';
% 1) pre-allocate a cell array that will store
% your tables (see note #3)
T2 = cell(size(x); % this should work, I don't know what x is
% creating loop
for idx = 1:numel(x)
T = readtable(idx);
% 2) This line should probably be T = readtable(x(idx));
sort = sortrows(T, 8);
selected_table = sort (:, 8:9);
tempTable = table(allDates(~ismember(allDates,, NaN(sum(~ismember(allDates,,size(selected_table,2)-1),'VariableNames',selected_table.Properties.VariableNames);
T2 = outerjoin(sort,tempTable,'MergeKeys', 1);
T2 = fillmissing(T2, 'next', 'DataVariables', {'lat', 'lon', 'station_elevation'})
% 3) You're overwriting the variabe T2 on each iteration of the i-loop.
% to save each table, do this
% T2{idx} = fillissing(.....)
Now, to access table #n, T2{n}
As I said, I can't run your code so if you come across problems, show me the updated code and describe what went wrong.
Also, it would be a very wise investment of your time to spend 1/2 an hour teaching yourself how to debug code using debug mode.