MATLAB: How to write a function to convert numerical month of the year to the name of that month

homeworkif statementmatlab functionmonthmonth namename

I am knew to matlab and am required to write and test a function that converts numerical month of the year to the name of that month(Assuming 1=January to 12=December). I have to do 3 variations of this, one with "if", one with "else if" and the other with "switch". I would just like to know which function would be suitable to perform this operation.

Best Answer

Hints (probably too much of a hint):
months = {'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', ...
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'};
monthNumber = 3; % Whatever .. use inputdlg() to ask user.
if monthNumber > 1 && monthNumber < length(months)
theMonth = months{monthNumber}
switch monthNumber
case {1,2,3,............. You finish it!
fprintf('You picked month %s\n', months..... You finish it!
fprintf('Invalid month number of %d', monthNumber);
You're going to have to finish/fix it and add the elseif to the "if" case to alert user to the invalid month. If you want to do it with 11 elseif's and check every number from 1 to 12 individually, you can do that, but it's really completely unnecessary since you can get the month with a simple index into the months array.