MATLAB: How to write a function of a curve

matlab function

Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to write a function which takes in 4 inputs, not x, and to return a curve as an output.
eg: f(x)= (1-x)^2
Is this possible? Without defining the variable x?
I'm new to Matlab and would appreciate any help, links or simple code to outline how this could be done.

Best Answer

try an anonymous function.
So for example
>> f = @(x,y,z,zz) x + y + z + zz
f =
>> f(1,2,3,4)
ans =
If your function is too complex, consider writing a function in a seperate m-file (save this in a file called f.m):
function out = f(x,y,z,zz)
out = x + y + z + zz
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