MATLAB: How to write a function in interval


can you please help me to write this function code in matlab?
thank you in advance

Best Answer

MATLAB Academy can help you learn the basics of MATLAB. Also the Getting Started section of the doc, as Jose-Luis suggested.
For this specific question, you'll need to:
  1. create a vector of x values from -2 to 5.
  2. create a corresponding vector of y values by evaluating the function.
  3. plot y as a function of x.
  4. maybe pretty up the graph a bit.
For 2 you'll need to know about array operations. For 4 you can use xlabel, ylabel, title, xlim, ylim, and/or axis.
As Jose-Luis mentioned, if you need the roots exactly, you can use fzero, but that seems a bit advanced for HW#1. Because the function is a polynomial, you could also use polyval (for part 2) and roots. But, again, that seems more than is necessary.