MATLAB: How to write a function for iterative check between a randsample value and a fixed value.

functioniterative checkrandom sample

Dear all,
Can anyone please suggest me a way to write a function for the following example?
sim = normrnd(100,10,[10000,1]);
y = randsample(sim,1); x = 100; % sim is the results, which is calculated first. So "normrnd" is just for illustration purposes.
while(y < x) y = randsample(sim,1); end
just an iterative step until y>=x.
However, I need a function for this purpose, as this function will pass on to another function.
Thank you very much.

Best Answer

function y = myRandSmpl(sim, x)
y = randsample(sim,1);
while y < x
y = randsample(sim,1);
Is that what you need?