MATLAB: How to write a for loop to populate a powerpoint slide deck


import mlreportgen.ppt.*
slides = Presentation('Waveform Plotting');
add(slides,'Title Slide',1);
contents = find(slides,'Title');
replace(contents(1),'Waveform Plotting');
add(slides,'Title and Content');
plane = Picture(which('JPG1.jpg'));
plane.Width = '4600';
plane.Height = '2100';
add(slides,'Title and Content');
plane = Picture(which('JPG2.jpg'));
plane.Width = '4600';
plane.Height = '2100';
Hi All,
I am trying to read an entire directory and then create and fill a powerpoint with each slide containing one, full screen, jpg from the directory. My largest struggle is creating the powerpoint. Right now, the code seen above writes a power point with a title slide, but it duplicates the first slide into two slides, instead of using a different JPG for each subsequent slide.

Best Answer

You can do by iterating through all the files of images from a directory and adding them to the slides in the ppt using Picture function. For example, consider the below lines of code:
import mlreportgen.ppt.*
ppt = Presentation('myPresentation.pptx');
files = dir('*.png');
for i=1:length(files)
pictureSlide = add(ppt,'Blank');
img = Picture(sprintf('image%d.png',i));
The images in the directory are of image1.png,image2.png...etc.,
For more information refer the below link.
Hope this helps.
Update: Even if the images are of different names we may achieve the above task by replacing the
img = Picture(sprintf('image%d.png',i)); line with img = Picture(files(i).name).