MATLAB: How to write a for loop to look at the rows of a M X N matrix


i Have a M X N matrix, and I need to divide the rows to n =130 data points and find the max value in that, and then move down the row by (n+1):2n,(2n+1):3n.. until the end, and I need to repeat this iteration for all the columns in the data, and save the data alongside the row number. could you please help me with this. the code which I have written is below:
*newdepth corresponds to length of my data in mm, and the input function asks me to scan the data for a desired depth.
section = input('Size of section (mm): ');
sectionrows = (section*(rsize))/(newdepth);
Row= [];
nsections = (rsize/sectionrows);
nsections =round(nsections);
for k = 1:sectionrows
for i = 1:nsections
Vmax = max(max(hil1(k+(i-1)*sectionrows,:))); % Reflected maximum voltage amplitude from normal tissue
Row=[Row Vmax];

Best Answer

It looks like below is a simplified version of what you want to do
a is a matrix with 6 rows and the max is found for every 3 rows
a = rand(6,10);
sz_a = size(a);
n = 3;