MATLAB: How to write a code for a distribution

distributiongeneralized gaussiannormal

Hello every one,
I would really appreciate if anyone can help me about a code as I am really new in MATLAB. I just want to write a code based on the equation that is a distribution. Thank you!
%This is the equation:
% g(r)=β/(2αγ(1/β)) e^(-((|r-μ|)/α)^β ) [1+erf(k((r-μ)/α))]
% the code is below but there is an error: Error using exp , Not enough input arguments
alfa=input('alfa is considered as:')
beta=input('beta is considered as:')
K=input('k is considered as:')
g(r)=(beta/2.*alfa.*gamma(1/beta)).*exp-(abs (r-mu)./alfa).^beta.*[1-erf(K.*(r-mu./alfa))];

Best Answer

alfa=input('alfa is considered as:')
beta=input('beta is considered as:')
K=input('k is considered as:')
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