MATLAB: How to write 2×1 string to csv


I have created a 2×1 string array which contains filenames in the first column, and a 'yes' or 'no' in the second column.
I'd like to write this information to an output format, preferrable .csv, how could I do this? Should I be converting from string to another format first?
Thanks!! My work so far:
%Create output array, table with two columns
sz1=files; %number of rows=number files in folder
szN=2; %number of columns=2
d(i).name=convertCharsToStrings(d(i).name); %convert filename to suitable format
%Does it look like there is boat noise in the plot?
answer=input('Can you see boat noise? y/n: \n', 's')
if strcmp(answer,'y');
%store filename in output with 'boat' in second column
results(row,1) = d(i).name;
results(row,2) = 'yesboat';
elseif strcmp(answer,'n');
%store filename in output with 'no boat' in second column
results(row,1) = d(i).name;
results(row,2) = 'noboat';
disp('Input must be Y or N!');

Best Answer

You can convert to a table() object and writetable() with WriteVariableNames set to false.
Or you can do it "manually", by using fopen(), fprintf(), fclose()
Or you can
char(results(:,1) + ',' + results(:,2))
and dlmwrite() that to a .csv file, making sure you use 'delimiter', '' (that is the empty character vector)
If you were using R2019a or later (and thank you for filling in your release!), then you could use writematrix()