MATLAB: How to work on simulink with symbolic representation variable


I want to create a transfer function using block diagram in simulink, e.g [1/(J*s+k)] . but when I linearise the system, Matlab is giving me the following error :
Invalid setting in 'untitled/Subsystem/Subsystem/Transfer Fcn' for parameter 'Denominator'.
Component:Simulink Control Design | Category:Linearization error
Error evaluating parameter 'Denominator' in 'untitled/Subsystem/Subsystem/Transfer Fcn'
Component:Simulink Control Design | Category:Linearization error
Undefined function or variable 'J'.
Component:Simulink Control Design | Category:Linearization error

Best Answer

The only part of MATLAB that supports symbolic variables in transfer functions is the Symbolic Toolbox -- and for that purpose "supports" just means that the symbolic toolbox has laplace transforms and fourier transforms, not that it has specific routines for control systems.
Within Simulink the closest you can get is tunable blocks. Those are transfer function representations in which you can change the value of a parameter, but that at any given time the parameter has a definite value.
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