MATLAB: How to visualize MajorAxisLength and MinorAxisLength on images

image processingImage Processing Toolboxmajoraxislengthminoraxislength;orientationregionprops

I would like to replicate something similar to that shown in the explanation of "Orientation" property of the "regionprops" function, as viewable here:
I would plot the red ellipse and the blue lines representing the axes, over my images (both binary and grayscale). I found this example:
but I can't understand how complete the code to plot the blue lines. Could anyone help me, please?
Thanks for your answers.

Best Answer

Get the two endpoints of the line, then call plot. For example x1 = xCentroid + (majorAxisLength/2) * cosd(orientation). Same for y1, x2,and y2. It's just simple trigonometry. Then call plot([x1,x2], [y1,y2], 'r-').