MATLAB: How to view confusion matrix of neural network

classificationconfusion matrixneural network trainingneural networksnpr tool

I have created it using npr tool. I also want to plot following things of the network.
There were options to view all these plots after training but I did not saved them at that time. How can I see those plots and confusion matrix now.
Mat file is attached in which there is a network I am talking about.
load it and see if you can let me know the things mentioned above.

Best Answer

If you have saved t(=targets), y=(outputs), x(=inputs), net and tr then simply plot:
% Plots
figure; plotconfusion(t,y);
figure; plotperform(tr);
figure; plottrainstate(tr);
figure; ploterrhist(e);
figure; plotfit(net,x,t);
figure; plotregression(t,y);