MATLAB: How to vectorize a “For Loop”

for loopsvectorize

I have function "" f(t,z)=cos(t).*z "" which for every value of t must be integrated wrt z and output the result as a matrix. I use the following code which takes approximately 15 sec for my real long formulas while the function f which has to be integrated executes almost instantly for any value of its variables.
f=@(t,z) cos(t) .* z
t= linspace(0,3,100);
z= linspace(0,10,1000);
for i = 1:numel(t)
Any help on how to vectorize this would be greatly appreciated 🙂

Best Answer

f=@(t,z) cos(t) .* z;
t= linspace(0,3,100);
z= linspace(0,10,1000);
out = trapz(z(:),bsxfun(@(t,z)f(t,z),t(:)',z(:)));
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