MATLAB: How to using AutoFilter function for multiple Itmes via activeX

autofilterexcelinvokeMATLABmultiple items

I am trying to "translate" the following VBA code into Matlab (using activeX)
Selection.AutoFilter 1, Array("2", "3", "5"), xlFilterValues
I know that xlFilterValue equals to 7 (Link).
So I coded in Matlab:
invoke(Excel.Range('B:B'), 'AutoFilter', Array("2", "3", "5"),7);
this unfortunately does not work at all (no filter item is selected). If I code the following:
invoke(Excel.Range('B:B'), 'AutoFilter', '1',7);
it works fine, but this is only a filter for one Item, and I want to create a filter for multiple Items.
Does anyone know how to do that?
Thank you

Best Answer

Finally I found the solution on my own:
invoke(Excel.Selection, 'AutoFilter', 1,... %Field
{'1', '3', '5'},... %Criteria1
7); %operator = xlFilterValues