MATLAB: How to useParallel in system identification

Deep Learning ToolboxidentificationlearningmachinenarxNetworkneuralneuralnetnlarxnonlinearparallelParallel Computing ToolboxSignal Processing ToolboxsystemSystem Identification Toolbox

Is there a way to use 'useParallel' on the nlarx function in the system identification, like with the train function in the deep learning toolbox? I'm using neuralnet as the nonlinearity. Here's the training section of my script:
%% Training
na = 3;
nb = [3 1 1];
nk = [0 0 0];
net = feedforwardnet(10);
net.trainParam.epochs = 5000;
nonlinearity = neuralnet(net);
sys = nlarx(zt, [na nb nk], nonlinearity);
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Currently there is no way to parallelize model estimation in System Identification Toolbox.