MATLAB: How to use zeros command to construct a new sequence


just wondering how to use zeros command to construct a new sequence y[n] by padding M zeros at the end of x[n]=10cos(0.2*pi*n+1.2) where n is between 0 and 100 (including 0 and 100).
t = 0:0.001:0.1-0.001;
x = 10*cos(200*pi*t+1.2);
but how to append M zeros? Thank you!

Best Answer

n=0:100; %->N=101
T=0.001; %period [s]
where x(1) represent x(n=0), and x(100) represent x(n=101)
M = 1000000; %number of zeros
y = [x zeros(1,M)];
tt =(0:T:T*length(y)-1);
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