MATLAB: How to use while loop with an inequality condition


Hi, I'm trying use a while loop in order to get a user to input a value in between a two separate values. (ie. 0.01 < x < 1000)
I currently have written this down in my script:
display('this is a test');
F = input('input test number: ');
while (F>1000 && F<0.01)
disp('test unsuccessful');
F = input('Please input new number: ');
display('Test successful');
Whenever I run the code, I input a number higher than 1000 or lower than 0.01 for 'x'. However, instead of moving into the while loop, it simply skips over and the prompt displays my 'Test successful' message.
I can get the code to work when only one condition is present but as soon as I include the second condition with the && statement, the while loop no longer operates.
What am I doing incorrectly?
edit: the purpose of me inputting a value above 1000 and below 0.01 is to trigger the while loop
instead of &&, || ended up working, using the same condtions: (F>1000 || F<0.01)

Best Answer

You mean
while (F<1000 && F>0.01)