MATLAB: How to use vision.BlobAnalysis to represent regionprops

Computer Vision Toolboxmatlab coderregionpropsvision.blobanalysis

I am trying to convert a program from MATLAB to C using the MATLAB Coder App. I have a lot of the code in the Image Processing Toolbox, one which will not convert using the Coder. I am trying to convert functions to the Computer Vision System Toolbox in order to convert it.
My current issue is with the function regionprops. I have a line of code as follows:
% Filter the red pixels with the intensity constraints
imgbw_red = imgbw_int & imgbw_red;
% Remove small objects by erosion
se = strel('square',3);
imgbw_red = imclose(imgbw_red,se);
imgbw_red = imfill(imgbw_red,'holes');
% Find objects in the binary image
redBlobs = bwconncomp(imgbw_red);
% Compute blob properties
S = regionprops(redBlobs,'Centroid','PixelList','BoundingBox');
The original variables are images in binary form. I believe the bwconncomp function will be unnecessary if using the function vision.BlobAnalysis, but I am unsure of how to use this function to obtain a variable equivalent to the PixelList from regionprops. This output is a p-by-q matrix that specifies the locations of pixels in the region, in coordinates. If you could give me an example of how to make this change, I would appreciate it.

Best Answer

H = vision.BlobAnalysis('AreaOutputPort', false, 'CentroidOutputPort', true, 'BoundingBoxOutputPort', true, 'LabelMatrixOutputPort');
[Centroids_R, BB_R, Labels_R] = step(H, imgbw_red);
Each of the outputs will be an array. The Centroids and BB will have one row per blob. The Labels will be the same size as the input. When
numblob = size(Centroids_R,1);
for K = 1 : numblob
[row, col] = find(Labels_R==K);
to get the pixel indices.