MATLAB: How to use varargin and varargout


Hi, my code is
function [A varargout] = rectangular(L,W,varargin)
A = L*W;
n = nargin;
if n==3
varargout = L*W*varargin;
When I call the function using 3 variables, I get an error:
>> [a v]=rectangular(2,3,4)
Undefined operator '*' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Error in rectangular (line 6)
varargout = L*W*varargin;
What should be replaced to make the code work?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

As their documentation explains, both varargin and varargout are cell arrays. So if required (e.g. to perform numeric operations on their contents) you will need to use appropriate indexing to access their contents:
For your example code:
varargout{1} = L*W*varargin{1};
or slightly more robustly:
varargout = {L*W*varargin{1}};
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