MATLAB: How to use uigetfile to plot the contents of a file

app designerguidematlab functionplotting

Hi all
how can I use the uigetfile to chose a file and plot its contents
I defined the public property for the push button and I have also a check box that in case it's checked , the plot should be held to be compared with the next one to be plotted
so the property :
properties (Access = public)
selecplot=''%Path for plots
then in the pushbutton for plot :
% Button pushed function: PlotButton
function PlotButtonPushed(app, event)
switch app.HoldPlotsCheckBox.Value
case 0
app.selectplot= uigetfile();
% FocusUIFigure(app.UIFigure)
app.UIFigure.Visible = 'off';
app.UIFigure.Visible = 'on';
% Value changed function: HoldPlotsCheckBox
function HoldPlotsCheckBoxValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.HoldPlotsCheckBox.Value;
with the above I get the error :
Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 309)
Error while evaluating Button PrivateButtonPushedFcn.
Unrecognized property 'selectplot' for class 'app'.
Error in app120/PlotButtonPushed (line 1969)
app.selectplot= uigetfile();
Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 309)
Error while evaluating Button PrivateButtonPushedFcn.

Best Answer

your property block shows that your property name is selecplot while when you use it, you used selectplot.