MATLAB: How to use this CurrentPoint property

axesMATLABmatlab function

How to create a program that creates an axes object and that plots a line connecting the locations of successive mouse clicks within the axes. Using the waitforbuttonpress function to wait for mouse clicks and update the plot after each click. Terminate the plot when a keyboard press occurs.

Best Answer

Run this example
f = figure(); % create figure and get its handle
ax = axes(); % create axes and get its handle
xlim([0 1]); % set limits of axes
ylim([0 1]);
hold on; % hold the axes so that the xlim and ylim does not change.
l = line(0, 0); % create an empty line
l.XData = [];
l.YData = [];
while waitforbuttonpress == 0
point = ax.CurrentPoint(1, 1:2); % get coordinate of current point
l.XData = [l.XData point(1)]; % add the current point to the line l
l.YData = [l.YData point(2)];