MATLAB: How to use the value on a Generic Knob from the Dials & Gauges Blockset 1.1.2 (R13) as the input to the model

dialsgaugesGauges Blocksetgenericinputknoboutputsubsystemupdate

I have a model that uses a Generic Knob from the Dial & Gauges Blockset 1.1.2 (R13). I want the input to my model to be equal to the value of my Generic Knob. In addition, I want to place my Generic Knob in a subsystem to the model, as shown in the example in the documentation below. But when I try to change the value of my Generic Knob, the input to my model fails to change.

Best Answer

There is a bug in the Dials & Gauges Blockset 1.1.2 (R13) that prevents changes in the value of a Generic Knob in a subsystem from being passed to the entire model automatically.
To work around this issue, either move the Generic Knob to the top level of the model (replacing the ActiveX block) or leave the Generic Knob in the subsystem, but update the diagram (Control-D) each time you change the knob.