MATLAB: How to use the under knees code of state space model “ident” toolbox in mfile

MATLABsystem identificationSystem Identification Toolbox

Hi, all,
I am currently using "ident" toolbox. I got a good fitting result by using state space model from the GUI. However, I want to lunch the system identification from mfile. How can I call the model that I used in ident GUI? Or How can I get the under knees code of the state space model in ident toolbox that I can use in command line?
I tried N4sid, but I don't know the parameters or other setting that I used in ident GUI. The results from N4sid are much worse than that from ident GUI.
Can anybody help me to use the ident state space model in mfile?
Thanks very much.
Xiwang Li

Best Answer

Double click on estimated model icon. A window containing information on the model is shown. This window offers commands that will reproduce the GUI results.