MATLAB: How to use the trained network to predict future values

Deep Learning Toolboxneural networkstime series prediction

Hi! I have created neural network using nnstart: NAR; d = 10. After training I saved network in workspase (name: net). Now can I use this trained network to predict future 10 values?

Best Answer

If the new data immediately follows the data used to design and test the net, the following syntax should have been used
[ net tr Ys Es Xsf Asf ] = train(net,Xs,Ts,Xi,Ai);
Xinew = Xsf; Ainew = Asf;
Ysnew = net(Xsnew,Xinew,Ainew);
Xinew = Xnew(:,1:d); Xsnew = Xnew(:,d+1:end)
but Ainew is not known.
I would try the mean of the previously used test target data rather than use zeros. Perhaps several designs using values in the interval [mean-stdv,mean+stdv] would be useful.
Hope this helps.
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