MATLAB: How to use the subset of Embedded MATLAB functions supported for HDL code generation using Simulink HDL Coder 1.4 (R2008b)

HDL Coder

I would like to know details on the subset of Embedded MATLAB functions supported for HDL code generation, as well as the limitations or restrictions of doing so. Where can I find this in the documentation?

Best Answer

There are two sections in the Simulink HDL Coder documentation that contain information on the supported functions including Fixed-point Embedded MATLAB Function subset and limitations of Simulink HDL Coder.
You may want to take a look at:
For Language Support please check documentation at the following place:-
Simulink HDL Coder -> Generating HDL Code with the Embedded MATLAB Function Block -> Language Support -> Fixed-Point Runtime Library Support, or use the following command:
>> web([docroot,'/toolbox/slhdlcoder/bq4c1o8.html'])
For Limitations:
Simulink HDL Coder -> Generating HDL Code with the Embedded MATLAB Function Block -> Language Support -> Other Limitations, or use the following command:
>> web([docroot,'/toolbox/slhdlcoder/bq368e1-1.html'])