MATLAB: How to use the National Instruments USB-621x series devices with the Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.9 (R2006b)

addlineData Acquisition Toolboxninidaq

I would like to use the following NI USB-621x series devices with the Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.9 (R2006b):

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2007a (R2007a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
National Instruments USB-621x series devices are not supported by Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.9 (R2006b).
To work around this issue, you can add limited support for these devices by modifying the device configuration file. In Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.9 (R2006b) it is only possible to add support for Analog Input and Digital Input/Output subsystems. We are investigating the possibility of adding support for the Analog Output subsystem in a future release.
To add support for Analog Input and Digital Input/Output subsystems, perform these steps:
1. Quit MATLAB.
2. Find the following file:
(where $MATLABROOT is the MATLAB root installation directory obtained by issuing:
at the MATLAB Command Prompt.)
3. Make a copy of this file and rename it to mwnidaqmx.ini.old.
4. Open the file mwnidaqmx.ini in a text editor, and add the following lines at the end of the file:
hasAnalogInput = true
numAIChannels = 16
hasAnalogOutput = false
hasDigitalIO = true
digitalPortSize = 4,4
digitalPortCap = 1,2
hasAnalogInput = true
numAIChannels = 16
hasAnalogOutput = false
hasDigitalIO = true
digitalPortSize = 4,4
digitalPortCap = 1,2
hasAnalogInput = true
numAIChannels = 16
hasAnalogOutput = false
hasDigitalIO = true
digitalPortSize = 4,4
digitalPortCap = 1,2
hasAnalogInput = true
numAIChannels = 32
hasAnalogOutput = false
hasDigitalIO = true
digitalPortSize = 8,8
digitalPortCap = 1,2
5. Save the file mwnidaqmx.ini and restart MATLAB.