MATLAB: How to use the National Instruments PCI-6255 and PXI-6255 M series devices with Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.8.1 (R2006a)

.m6255acquisitiondataData Acquisition Toolboxpci-6255pxi-6255

I would like to use the following NI USB-625x series devices with Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.8.1 (R2006a):
NI PCI-6255
PXI-6255 M

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2007b (R2007b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The National Instruments PCI-6255 and PXI-6255 M series devices are not supported by Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.8.1 (R2006a).
To work around this issue, perform these steps to add support for these devices:
1. Quit MATLAB.
2. Find the following file :
where $MATLABROOT is the MATLAB root installation directory obtained by issuing:
at the MATLAB Command Prompt.
3. Make a copy of this file and rename it to mwnidaqmx.ini.old.
4. Open the file mwnidaqmx.ini in a text editor, and add the following lines at the end of the file:
hasAnalogInput = true
numAIChannels = 80
hasAnalogOutput = true
numAOChannels = 2
maxAOSampleRate = 2860000,2000000
hasDigitalIO = true
digitalPortSize = 8,8,8
digitalPortCap = 4,4,4
hasAnalogInput = true
numAIChannels = 80
hasAnalogOutput = true
numAOChannels = 2
maxAOSampleRate = 2860000,2000000
hasDigitalIO = true
digitalPortSize = 8,8,8
digitalPortCap = 4,4,4
5. Save the file mwnidaqmx.ini and restart MATLAB.