MATLAB: How to use the MATLAB Compiler to create a compiled component and run it with an older version of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR)

backwardbuildercompatiblecompilercomponentexexceljajavaMATLAB Compilermcrmwarraynenet

I would like to be able to execute my compiled code with previous versions of MCR. I would also like to know if an application compiled with an older version of the MATLAB Compiler will run with a newer MCR.

Best Answer

The runtime libraries that initialize during runtime of MATLAB Compiled components are versioned so that there can be side by side installations of different versions of the MCR on one machine. Therefore, components compiled with one version of the MATLAB Compiler are only compatible with the MCR derived from the same version of MATLAB.
This also applies to all products that are dependent of the MATLAB Compiler, such as MATLAB Builder NE, MATLAB Builder JA, MATLAB Builder EX, etc.