MATLAB: How to use the inpolygon function ?

convexconvex hullinpolygonpolygon

Hi Matlab Users,
I have 4 Ponints given
X1=[0,0], X2=[2,0], X3=[2,2] and X4=[0,2]
and one point, lets say P=[1,1], that has to be tested whether it is in the convex hull of X1 to X4. How do i actually do that??
Sry, but i donĀ“t understand the explanation for the inpolygon function when it comes to this simple example above.
I'd appreciate your help, With best regards, john

Best Answer

X1=[0,0], X2=[2,0], X3=[2,2],X4=[0,2]
inpolygon(1,1,X,Y) % returns 1 because the point (1,1) is inside the polygon
inpolygon(10,1,X,Y)% %returns 0 because the point (10,1) is outside the polygon
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