MATLAB: How to use the generic engine in simscape?

generic engineSimscape

I am building a vehicle model for a motorcycle, i followed all the tutorials of physical vehicle modeling. The model works perfectly fine when its connected with the ideal angular velocity source. Its moving with the speed as i require at every gear. But as soon as i connect the generic engine, it stops working. I have used the torque-speed values of the vehicle that i am working on. I have entered all the values that are required like idle speed, red line speed etc. But none of them are working. I know my vehicle model is proper, but how should i make the engine work properly??
I need the vehicle to run at 50kmph at 9600 rpm in 1st gear
75kmph at 2nd. Please help me!!!! i have been struggling to make this work from really long time. Any hints, any solutions would be helpfull. Thank you.
I have attached both models. Vehicle with ideal source.
and vehicle when connected to engine.

Best Answer

Please provide the mat-file that contains:
tire_b, tire_c, tire_d, tire_e, tire_dia etc.
Otherwise it'll be hard to reproduce what you are seeing.
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