MATLAB: How to use the ‘Edit Axes Ticks’ dialog box to edit the axes tick labels in MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a)


I need instructions on how to add an axes tick label using the 'Edit Axes Ticks' dialog box in the Property Editor.

Best Answer

How to open the 'Edit Axes Ticks' box:
1. Plot your data. For instance:
2. In the Figure Window, navigate to Edit->Axes Properties
3. A Property Editor-Axes will pop up below the figure. Click the 'Ticks...' button on the right side.
How to change the axes tick labels with 'Edit Axes Ticks' dialog box:
There is a table in the 'Edit Axes Ticks' box. On the left column, the locations at which ticks will be placed are listed. If you wish to change the actual location of the ticks, change the values in this column. On the right column, the labels for those ticks are listed. If you wish to change the way ticks are labeled, change the right column.
How to add an axes tick:
Let's say you wish to add the label 'apple' to location 2.5 on the x-axis:
1. Select the' X axis' tab from the top of the Edit Axes Tick's box.
2. Click the 'Insert' button. A new row will show up in the table.
3. In the new row, left column, type 2.5.
4. In the new row, right column, type 'apple'.