MATLAB: How to use the data, but no polar function, to make polar plot


I am wondering how to use the data, but not polar function, to make polar plot in MATLAB.
My data is like between 0to 1/2pi, the value equal to 1;
between 1/2pi to pi, the value equal to 2;
between pi to 3/2pi, the value equal to 3;
between 3/2pi to 2pi, the value equal to 1.5.
I noticed that it is very easy to make polar plot when there is a polar function between theta and r,
however, I only have the data but no function….
I wonder is it possible to make polar plot just using my data? Or…how to make a polar function using my data?

Best Answer

I would use polar to plot the data; however it looks like R2016a has a preferred option -- polarplot ( doc ).
With polar, you could try
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,1e3); % more values yeilds a smoother plot
r = nan(size(theta)); % pre-allocate r
r(theta<pi/2) = 1;
r(theta>=pi/2&theta<pi) = 2;
r(theta>=pi&theta<3*pi/2) = 3;
r(theta>=3*pi/2) = 1.5;
r(end) = 1; % makes it a closed loop
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