MATLAB: How to use the CascadeObjectDetector of Matlab

cascadeobjectdetector;Computer Vision Toolbox

Hello,every friend. I have come accross a problem when useing the CascadeObjectDetector function of Matlab. Could anyone help me?
My qustion can be described as follows: I want to detect craters by the CascadeObjectDetector. I have two sets of images:the positive images (57 craters images with different size), and the negative images (85 non-craers images with different size). Then how can I use this CascadeObjectDetector to obtain a classifier? My code is like this
and this is the data.mat However, it could work.
It confuced me a lot. I really need your help.Please help me!Thank you very much!

Best Answer

Hi Lu,
The trainCascadeObjectDetector function creates an XML file containing the classifier parameters. In the code you've shown, the file will be named 'stopSignDetector.xml', so you should probably name it something else, like 'craterDetector.xml'. You can then create a vision.CascadeObjectDetector object using this XML file, as follows:
detector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector('craterDetector.xml');
For more information, check out Train a Cascade Object Detctor tutorial in the documentation.