MATLAB: How to use the C code generated from Real time Workshop in Visual Studio

matlab to visual studioreal time workshop c codesimulink coder

I have created a very simple add model which takes two constants and returns their sum. Then I generated the C code using Real Time Workshop with grt.tlc as the target by referring to the following link " ". I now want to use this code in Visual Studio 2010. But i have more than 300 errors popping up. I followed the approach specified in the link "" But the problem is that i do not have MATLAB installed in the system where the Visual Studio is present. I have however got the .h and .c files required which are mentioned in the link above.I am also new to Visual Studio. Please provide the solution in step wise procedure, so that i can follow it easily.

Best Answer

I think the easiest way is to select the System target file (in the Configuration Parameters window's Code Generation pane) that corresponds to "Create Visual C/C++ solution file" - this should create a Visual Studio project (solution file) that you can directly load into Visual Studio. Alternatively, see Relocate Code to Another Development Environment.