MATLAB: How to use the alphanumeric display on the IRIG Format block in the Gauges Blockset 2.0 (R14SP1)

ax_sfunbedisplaysgaugesGauges Blocksetmustnumericparameterstring

I have a model that has the Clock block from Simulink Sources library connected to the IRIG Format block from the Numeric Displays library in the Gauges Blockset. I receive the following error when I run the simulation:
Error reported by S-function 'ax_sfun' in 'untitled/IRIG Format':
Parameter must be a string
All Simulink sources give an output of data type double. Where can I find the documentation on how to use this block with other Simulink blocks?

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that the documentation on the usage of the IRIG Format block with other Simulink blocks in the AplphaNumeric mode is not complete.
When using the alphanumeric mode for the IRIG Format block, you can control the display via a MATLAB file S-function that uses the COM support features in MATLAB.
Please refer to the Note section in the documentation at the following URL for more information:
You can change the following settings in the IRIG Format block to use it with the Clock block in Simulink.
1. Right-click the gray display on the IRIG Format block and select Block Parameters to open the parameter dialog. Change the Input Property to Value.
2. Double-click the block to open the ActiveX Control Properties dialog and click the General tab. Change the DisplayMode to Numeric.