
I have just started to use Matlab's TFORMINV function. I have already looked up the documentation. I am trying to debug an issue in an existing code related to tforminv function.
When I run the code, I get the following error :
Error using tform>checkTform (line 89)
Function TFORMINV expected a TFORM struct as its first or second argument.
Error in tform (line 29)
[t, A] = checkTform(f, numout, varargin{:});
Error in tforminv (line 67)
varargout = tform('inv', nargout, varargin{:});
Error in train_detector>traversetree (line 357)
[pixel_a_x_lmcoord, pixel_a_y_lmcoord] = tforminv(tf2meanshape, pixel_a_x_imgcoord, pixel_a_y_imgcoord);
but, tf2meanshape seems to me of type TFORM. Here is the screenshot which shows that tf2meanshape is of type struct during debugging, but when I step into next line I am getting the above error :
Let me know if any additional information is required. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Thanks David, As you rightly pointed out, I had to use transformPointsInverse instead of tforminv.