MATLAB: How to use textscan to read this .dat file


I fail to use textscan to read the following formatted data. What should be the correct argument to read it and let the same data type be in a single array? Thanks!
{"time":1431653957, "OD":0.0010, "Z":0.0000, "U":0}
{"time":1431654017, "OD":0.0007, "Z":0.0000, "U":0}
{"time":1431654077, "OD":-0.0005, "Z":0.0000, "U":0}
{"time":1431654137, "OD":-0.0015, "Z":0.0000, "U":0}

Best Answer

It is not clear exactly how this file is formatted, as the text on the page is not a good way to represent files. Please upload the actual data file.
Based on the text in the question I created a small data file (attached), and then a small script containing this code:
fmt = ['{',repmat('%*s%f',1,4),'}'];
fid = fopen('temp.txt','rt');
A = cell2mat(textscan(fid,fmt,'Delimiter',':,'));
Which reads all of the numeric data correctly:
>> A
A =
1.4317e+009 0.001 0 0
1.4317e+009 0.0007 0 0
1.4317e+009 -0.0005 0 0
1.4317e+009 -0.0015 0 0