MATLAB: How to use textscan from the middle of a file.


Hi. I am not very used to textscan and I really do not understand the help text. I have a textfile with A lot of text before the actuall data starts: " HL) [EOH] [BOD] 20111006 0:00,1210,134,98,984,7.83,235,2.47," etcetra with more columns. 20111006 0:10,1209,135,98,989,5.83,234,6.47," is next row and so on.
How can I with textscan only get the time in the beginning and remove all text before data starts, and remove all data after the time.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!

Best Answer

for the case when nameyourfile.txt contains data in the form:
'20111006 0:00,1210,134,98,984,7.83,235,2.47'
'20111006 0:10,1209,135,98,989,5.83,234,6.47'
fid = fopen('w3.txt');
d = textscan(fid,'%8s %5s %*s');
out0 = [d{:}];
t = cellfun(@(x)strcmp(x(end),','),out0(:,2));
out0(t,2) = cellfun(@(x)['0' x(1:end-1)],out0(t,2),'un',0);
out = arrayfun(@(x)[out0{x,:}],(1:size(out0,1))','un',0);