MATLAB: How to use svmpredict (libsvm)

classificationlibsvmmachine learningsupport vector machinesvmsvmpredictsvmtrain

I'm trying to use libsvm in Matlab, but I am a bit confused regarding the svmpredict() function. The first input to it, is called testing_label_vector. As I understand it, that would be the labels of the testing data, but that doesn't really make sense, since that is what you are trying to predict. Can someone help me clarify what this input should be?

Best Answer

For further reference I figured it out myself. The testing_label_vector can be added to calculate the accuracy of the prediction. If you don't have it, a zero vector of the correct size should be fine. The reported accuracy will then of course not hold though.
P.S. I know it's lame accepting my own answer, but I don't like unresolved issues :-)
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