MATLAB: How to use structs as x input for Matlabs optimization methods

function handlesinput structsOptimization Toolboxstructstructures

My functions look like that:
function area_rectangle = area_rectangle(input_variables)
if ~isfield(input_variables,'height') || ~isfield(input_variables,'width')
area_rectangle = NaN;
area_rectangle = input_variables.width * input_variables.height;
Suppose I want to use one of Matlabs optimization methods, e.g. fmincon, and pass a struct as input. How could I do that?
fmincon(@area_rectangle, input_variables, ...)
Error using fmincon (line 224)
FMINCON requires the following inputs to be of data type double: 'X0'.
Thanks in advance! Carolin

Best Answer

You would not do that. Remember that the optimization routines control the values of x themselves, adjusting its value until the optimum value is found. The optimization routines have no idea how to update a struct.
You would instead use one of the optimization routines that can work on vectors of values, and you would pass the values of the fields as elements of x. For example,
function area = calc_area(x)
height = x(1,:);
width = x(2,:);
area = height .* width;