MATLAB: How to use sprintf and xlswrite to insert data into a specific cell


Suppose I have :
start = 1
finish = 10
for i = start:finish
my_cell = sprintf( 'K%s',num2str(i));
I want to insert the first data point at K2 in excel, but I cannot because 'K%s' begins inserting at K1. Subsequently, if I were to use 'K02%s' it would begin at cell K21.
Any help would be fantastic

Best Answer

start = 1;
for i = start:finish
my_cell = sprintf('K%d',i);
The superfluous num2str aside (as shown, just use the proper numeric output field descriptor), if you want to target starting at K2 then just for the looping indices by compensating in the conversion statement--
my_cell = sprintf('K%d',i+1);