MATLAB: How to use soundsc with function


Hi i have written a code which is executing perfectly for DTMF tones with this command. I am listening tones in speaker
dtmf=dtmfdial([1 1 9 9 2 2 0 0]);
The last portion of my code is
dtmf = cat(2, D{:});
Now the book says that following matlab command should play the tones corresponding to input vector,input,through computer speaker
How can i achieve this, what should i do with my final cell dtmf???

Best Answer

Your function is actually outputting a vector. Your code
dtmf = cat(2, D{:});
is producing a vector, soundsc() works on that vector. So the line
soundsc(dtmfdial([3 7 3]),8000)
Says "call dtmfdial with the input [3 7 3] which inside your code builds a signal (the vector dtmf) out of the frequencies defined by that input vector (in table). Play the output of dtmfdial() with a sampling frequency 8,000 Hz.