MATLAB: How to use Simulation Data Inspector (SDI) in External Mode with the TI C2000 Support Package

Embedded Coder

Hi, I am trying to log simulation data using the TI C2000 Support Package running my model in external mode. I understand I can log packets of data to individual MAT files and stitch them together, or use a scope with "Print to Figure" to extract the signal over the entire simulation. I followed the example listed here:
Is Simulation Data inspector (SDI) supported for this support package in external mode simulations?

Best Answer

Yes, SDI is supported for TI C2000 Support Package running in External Mod, but only when running using the Universal Measurement & Calibration (XCP) protocol. "Classic" external mode over USB serial connection does not support SDI.
Refer to the section titled "Monitor and Tune over Serial Communication" in the following documentation page.