MATLAB: How to use several if statements in a single loop

Financial Toolboxmacd

Hi everyone,
I would like to use the MACD index and state the following if expressions in one loop, ie for every time t. First, I get the MAC index as follows
[macdvec, nineperma] = macd(y);
1) if macdev(t)>nineperma(t) then MACD(t)=1
2) if macdev(t)<nineperma(t) then MACD(t)=0
3) if macdev(t-1)<nineperma(t-1) and macdev(t)=nineperma(t) then MACD(t)=1
4) if macdev(t-1)>nineperma(t-1) and macdev(t)=nineperma(t) then MACD(t)=0
How can I state several if statements into a single loop?
Thanks a lot in advance

Best Answer

gsourop - couldn't you do something like
[macdvec, nineperma] = macd(y);
myMacData = zeros(length(macdvec),1);
for t=1:length(macdvec)
if macdev(t)>nineperma(t)
elseif macdev(t)<nineperma(t)
% etc.

% etc.
% etc.
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